We find ourselves once again in the midst of another Presidential Election and, yet again, are continuing to be addressed with the same campaign rhetoric as years past; the same battles, the same empty promises of restoration, redemption, and revitalization of issues, and conditions that persist in plaguing our Nation. There comes a time where we as a Nation, We the People, must stand and ask ourselves “haven’t we had enough?” Currently, the competing candidates are engrossed in a battle for delegates which causes me to ask “who is truly fighting for the best interests of these United States of America, its people; who will fight to improve not only our present but for a better future?”
Each of the candidates continue to discredit, deface, and undermine their opponents while our nation stirs with an undercurrent of divisive anger fueling discord and hostility. This facet, which seemingly has become a staple of our electoral process, is not one that benefits us, the American people, in any way nor does it showcase what I see as one of the most important traits in a Presidential candidate – character.
Candidates, at least a great majority, seem to have forgotten that, regardless of what elected position they may represent on a local, state, or federal level; these elected positions are positions of public service. In service for us and elected by us, We the People.
“A choice between one who knowingly divides and one who knowingly deceives, is no choice and most certainly one the American People should not have to make.”
A choice between one who knowingly divides and one who knowingly deceives, is no choice and most certainly one the American People should not have to make. Within each and every cycle there are buzzwords of the moment and political jargon such as “change”, “hope”, “innovation”, and “revolution” which are used to engage us, the public, into siding with a candidate. Successfully so, these words do in most cases trigger and awaken something within us that cries out, yearning for a renewing and a restoration of who we believe we are. These words do resonate with us as they have been a part of our Nation’s past, associated with some of the pinnacle points of redirection in our history. However, these words themselves are powerless and have been only empowered by us, We the People.
“Hope has the power to unite and inspire people which can spread across our Nation like wildfire.”
Now I do believe that hope has the power to unite and inspire people which can spread across our Nation like wildfire; I also know that hope can be paralyzed just as quickly by fear. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said ”The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Time and time again, we have seen when candidates either build a platform based on hope, or one based on fear, to play on emotions of us, the public, with security and peace of mind offered in exchange for our allegiance, our vote. It is this fear which binds us to our past, preventing us from advancing forward. We cannot build this Nation and become who we can be, who we should be – based on fear. We must be fearless.
So many times we allow the rhetoric of political campaigns and the media to amplify our differences as a way to divide and misdirect us; focusing on and magnifying our imperfections. I am here to remind you that in 1787, a group of delegates came together in their common belief that something better for their family, friends, and constituents was possible and they set out to create it.
They began with a simple pledge “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
“Our pursuit of “a more perfect Union” should continue unwavering and be never ceasing.”
Our founding fathers set out “to form a more perfect Union” and to this day we are not perfect nor flawless by any measure. We are a nation that is a culmination of diverse cultures, heritage, ideals, and perspectives. Our pursuit of “a more perfect Union” should continue unwavering and be never ceasing. For it is our diversity that empowers us, propels us to challenge the status quo and forces us to review and re-examine ourselves; asking the questions of “what if”, “what could”, and “what should”.
People of America, let this act as a reminder that our voice, your voice, has power and the ability to directly affect positive change. The responsibility of our Nation does not lie with a privileged few, it lies within its citizens, you and I, We the People. Let us never lose sight of who we are, what we stand for, and what we can achieve. We don’t just need representation for the People, but representation of the People.
“We are a people who not just reached for the stars but were determined to journey among them.”
Throughout our Nation’s history are countless stories and accounts that clearly depict that we are a Nation that was built on idealism and optimism. Our history full of people who challenged the standards of their time, who dreamed of potential beyond what was accepted, and who not just reached for the stars but were determined to journey among them. We are descendants of those who marched, who rallied, who united, and made our voices heard. Who defend those who cannot defend themselves, who spoke out for those whose voices could not be heard, and who fought for justice on behalf of those being treated unjustly. They knew that one’s opinion alone does not affect change but one’s action.
How we proceed from here is dependent on you and I, and the choices we make together. The tide of change is only being held back by ourselves. It is my hope that this may resonate across generations, however this is a call to action directed squarely at my generation and the generations to follow. I am a part of one of the largest generations in our Nation’s history. Some call us Millennials, Generation Y, “The Lucky Ones.” Let us be the generation that is the catalyst which redirects our Nation’s future.
I refuse to allow this generation, my generation, to fade into history as the generation who was the largest and most connected of any of the generations preceding it, yet became the most disconnected, choosing to stand aside, choosing to “swipe left” on our opportunity to stand and take action to affect positive change within a system we allow to represent us. Change is not a new journey awaiting to begin. We are and will continue down an ever-changing path as time passes; what we change into is up to us. We have the ability to transform, revolutionize, and reclaim not only the American Dream, but the course of our Nation – what it means to be an American, and our place as a global leader.
“Our time is upon us – our time to define our future, rewrite who we are, what we stand for, and more importantly what we live for.”
Silence on our part will only stifle our potential of becoming the best version of ourselves. Our time is upon us – our time to define our future, rewrite who we are, what we stand for, and more importantly what we live for. Our path from here is only determined by our own courage. Let us rise, let our voices reclaim their power and direct our Nation on a new course. We the People shall be heard and set the world on notice that within these United States of America, a shift has begun and, although our representation of today, this moment, may not reflect nor represent our tomorrow; a new generation is coming and it is unlike anything you have ever seen.
Daniel J. Pearce
Orlando, FL